Frequently Asked Questions


Does my organization qualify to receive free magnetic Go boards or used shuttlecocks if it is based outside of Malaysia?

As of now, my primary focus for distributing magnetic Go boards and used shuttlecocks is within my country and neighbouring countries. I regret to inform you that I am unable to offer international shipping at this time due to the considerably high shipping costs involved.

Ensuring that these products reach my local community and neighbouring regions efficiently is my top priority. However, I understand that there may be organizations from international locations who are interested in these items, and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Please rest assured that I am actively exploring options to extend the distribution reach to cater to international organizations in the future. I value the global interest in these products and remain committed to finding ways to make them more accessible to organizations worldwide.

I encourage interested international organizations to stay connected with me through my website and social media channels. By doing so, you will receive updates on any changes to my shipping policy and the possibility of expanding the distribution to international locations.

Eligible Organizations: Elderly Centers, Orphanages, and Marginalized Communities.